Hospice Support
Hospice is specialized health care for individuals nearing the end of their lives, with a focus on comfort rather than a cure.
To pursue the best quality of life possible, all needs of the patients are addressed, including physical comfort, pain and other symptoms as well as their emotional and spiritual well-being.
We also recognize that a serious illness affects all those who love the patient, so we involve the entire family, offering services of support and education.

Hospice Caregiver Team
Wings of Hope provides high quality care throughout the end-of-life journey with the help of a professionally trained, interdisciplinary Hospice team. Each Hospice team member has special expertise in his or her area of care.
Hospice teams are made up of:
Medical Providers
Home Health Aides
- Expert pain and symptom management and physical support to ease discomfort
- All medications and supplies related to the patient’s terminal illness, including hospital beds, dressings, wheelchairs, etc.
Support Providers
Social Workers
Spiritual Care Workers
- Education to assist families to care for their loved one
- Volunteer services that offer respite to caregivers and companionship to patients
- Emotional and spiritual support to help patients and families cope
- Grief support for family members for 13 months or for as long as they need it after their loss
The interdisciplinary team members all work together to provide:
- Regular visits and work alongside the patient, family and caregivers and the patient’s physician.
- Patient and family support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- This care is provided at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient.
Each team member has a unique role in the end-of-life journey
Support for the Patient
- Hospice nurses work directly with the patient’s personal physician and the hospice medical director to develop a plan of care that meets the patient’s needs throughout the course of the illness.
- Clinical care is provided by a team of professionals and volunteers who work as an interdisciplinary group on behalf of the patient.
- Certified home health aides help with personal care.
Support for Family and Friends
- Comfort caregiving is provided by family members or friends of the patient.
- Training and encouragement is provided to family caregivers by clinicians and hospice volunteers.
- The Hospice team educates and supports the family, friends or nursing care facility staff to provide the primary care for the patient.
- Volunteer help is available for a variety of services, including respite for the family, companionship for the patient, transportation, errands, light housework, meal preparation, etc.
Hospice FAQ
Learn more about hospice from the questions we are frequently asked.
The Questions Everybody Asks
What exactly is hospice, anyway?
The word “hospice” has its roots in old French and Latin and means “a shelter or lodging for weary travelers,” a fitting description for those on their final journey of life. Hospice care is for patients who have a terminal condition that is expected to take their life within six months. Hospice is a specialized branch of medical care that cares for people who are dying and includes unique approaches for maximizing comfort, dignity and the quality of life for the patient’s remaining time.
When is it time to consider hospice?
It is time to consider hospice when a patient is not expected to live beyond six months. A patient can be referred by a physician or he or she may self-refer for hospice care. Patients are allowed to utilize the benefits of hospice care for six months, and even longer, if necessary. Unfortunately, many wait until their final few days before engaging hospice, so they miss out on the quality of life improvements that hospice care provides. More guidelines and a useful checklist are available at “Is it Time?”
How much does hospice care cost?
Wings of Hope provides care at NO EXPENSE to the patient or his or her family. Most private insurance provides a hospice benefit to patients with insurance. For others, the cost of care is covered by a combination of Medicare reimbursement and the generosity of private individuals and businesses in our community.
How long can a patient receive hospice care?
Patients can receive care indefinitely. While a prognosis of six months to live is necessary to qualify for benefits, patients frequently outlive expectations and sometimes recover so that hospice care is not needed for a long period. If a patient needs more time, the patient’s physician simply renews his or her referral.
The Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask
Does hospice speed the demise of a dying person?
In a word, no. It does not speed up the dying process. Hospice makes patients more comfortable. In fact, research shows that when hospice is adopted early, it actually extends both the length and quality of life of many patients.
How are hospice medications different?
Managing pain and other distressing symptoms are chief benefits of hospice care. In a traditional medical setting, the conservative medications available to the patient do not always provide adequate pain or symptom control. But hospice caregivers can provide effective management of both using a combination of more powerful medications and natural approaches to relief.
Is hospice just giving up?
Certainly not — it’s the beginning of a new journey. Hospice restores a measure of control to patients. Hospice care provides unique services that can improve the quality of the patient’s life and help patients and those they love enjoy their remaining time together.
Wings of Hope is here to answer any additional questions or if you’re considering if it’s time for hospice.
Is it Time for Hospice?
Our services extend to Allegan County, Barry County, Kalamazoo County, Van Buren County and the surrounding area. If you’re not sure if you fall within that region or you’re ready to talk, feel free to contact us.