Browse Wings of Hope’s patient and family resources for activities, guides and important information to help your family navigate now and in the steps ahead.
Wings of Hope offers a variety of services to support the people in our community.
Patient & Family Resources
Scroll down to view our patient and family resources that range from eBooks to meetings with our experienced team.
Patient & Family ResourcesHealth Care Professional Resources
Specialized medical care for people with serious, chronic illness.
Health Care Professional Resources
Death Education Series
Increasing comfort with and knowledge about death and mortality.
Death Education Series
Request a Speaker
We have given presentations to community groups, service clubs, church groups, health care groups and more.
Patient & Family Resources

Understanding the Symptoms You See
This resource can guide you and your family to understanding when hospice can help you the most. We have illness-specific lists that identify key signs, as well as general indicators that signal your family could benefit from reaching out to ask questions about hospice care.
Download Ebook
Windows Through Wings of Hope
A perspective of death and dying depends on from which side of the window you view it. These warm-hearted stories, shared by hospice caregivers, will inspire and encourage you. They demonstrate the bravery, nobility, joy, peace and love that every dying person deserves to experience.
Download eBook
Advance Directive Form
Wings of Hope has specially trained individuals who can help anyone in the community with their advance care planning process. Typically it involves two meetings. In the first meeting the facilitator guides the conversation to help you explore what is important to you. The second meeting is usually with you and your patient advocate to share that information, to talk about the responsibilities of a patient advocate and to sign the necessary paperwork. We will meet you wherever you like – your home, our office, a coffee shop. This service is free and it is confidential. We are also available to come and talk with your group about advance care planning.
Download FormPalliative Care or Hospice?
Health Care Professional Resources
Admission Guidelines for Physicians
Is there any more difficult decision than choosing hospice? Making end-of-life decisions often become more challenging when we feel like we’re making it up as we go. Choosing hospice care for your patient has objective admission standards that removes any guesswork. Learn more about determining eligibility for hospice benefits and specific guidelines for diseases that are generally regarded as “life-limiting.”
Download e-book
Grief Support Services
Grief Support & Information Mailings
Wings of Hope offers grief support letters and grief information that are mailed over the course of 13 months after losing a loved on.
One-to-One Support
Our experienced team offers grief counseling by phone or in person on a one-on-one basis.
Annual Memorial Gathering
Wings of Hope offers an annual memorial event in the fall for bereaved hospice families and community members to remember and reflect on our shared experience.
Grief Workshops & Support Groups
We offer ongoing support to hospice and community bereaved individuals via support groups and social luncheons. Additionally, various grief workshops are offered periodically.
See Grief Support Coordinator for schedule.
Coping with the Holidays
Consider and prepare for ways to observe the holidays.
Living with Loss
Grief group with emphasis on integrating losses and moving forward.
Men’s Group
Grief group specifically for men.
Family & Child Support
Addressing the specific grief needs of children under 18.
Contact Wings of Hope for the schedule of events.
Mission Moments: The Heart of Wings
Mission Moments: The Heart of Wings is the newest book by Theresa Lynn, PhD, RN, LMSW, CT, Executive Director/Director of Wings of Hope/Wings Home. The project is a compilation of “stories from the field that connect people to the heart of what we do…our mission.”
Copies can be purchased at Wings of Hope for $10 each or make an online donation and mention Mission Moments book as your reason for donating. A copy can be mailed to you and it makes a great gift.