Legacy Giving
Legacy giving is about making a difference through a planned charitable gift.
Our Legacy supporters are diverse and come from all walks of life. Yet, they have one common interest – to ensure that quality, compassionate hospice care will be available now and for future generations. When you make a legacy gift to Wings of Hope or the Wings Home, you may recognize significant charitable tax deductions and other benefits. More importantly, you will know you are helping to bring dignity and comfort to individuals and families when compassionate care is needed most.

There are many ways you can make a legacy gift donation. Here are a few simple options that can make a significant difference:
- Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
- Real estate
- Life insurance -A simple change in beneficiary can direct your life insurance policy to Wings of Hope or Wings Home
- Retirement Accounts (IRA, 401k, 403b, Simple IRA, etc)
- Wings of Hope/Wings Home can be designated as a primary or secondary beneficiary of all or part of your retirement account (IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) account). The forms are easy to change and the gifts are completely exempt from inheritance or income taxes, and they avoid probate.
- The IRA Charitable Rollover, as of 2016, has been made permanent. If you are 70 1/2 years or older and want to make a gift without federal tax liability this is a great way to give. Your gift is tax free up to $100,000 per year.
- Become a member of the Full Circle Legacy Giving Group.
- “In Trust” Accounts: Any bank account or stock account in your name can be set up “In trust for Wings of Hope or Wings Home.” You retain exclusive control of the account during your lifetime. Upon your death, the account passes to the agency without probate or tax.
- Bequests: Through a bequest, you can make a provision for Wings of Hope/Wings Home in your Will or Living Trust for a specific dollar amount, specific asset or a percentage of your estate.
- Gifts that generate income for life: You may choose to create a charitable gift annuity and receive fixed payments for life in return for your contribution.
- Wings of Hope and Wings Home are tax exempt organizations and are not subject to capital gains, income, or corporate tax. This means gifting taxable resources to Wings of Hope and Wings Home benefits you and our missions!
For more information
Please contact Amy Chestnut, Director of Development at 269-686-8659.
Legal name: Wings of Hope Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.
Tax ID number 38-2453558
Legal name: Wings Home, Inc.
Tax ID number 26-3779716

Wings of Hope and Wings Home are pleased to announce the launch of our Full Circle Legacy Giving Group. This group has been formed to recognize loyal supporters of Wings of Hope and Wings Home. This special group of donors have donated a gift of $1000 or more and/or have named one or both agencies in their estate planning.
As part of this launch, an anonymous sponsor has pledged to make a $25 donation to the Wings of Hope Hospice and Wings Home endowment funds held by the Allegan County Community Foundation. These gifts given in honor of each new Full Circle member will support the long-term needs of each of our organizations.
Full Circle Legacy donors come from all walks of life and have one common interest – to ensure that quality, compassionate hospice care will be available now and for future generations. When you make a legacy gift to Wings of Hope and/or the Wings Home, you may recognize charitable tax deductions and other benefits.
More importantly, you will know you are helping to bring dignity and comfort to individuals and families when compassionate care is needed most. Leave a legacy and become part of our Full Circle Legacy Giving Group.
Certain gifts have tax implications that can help you protect more of your estate for your family and give more to Wings of Hope/Wings Home. For example, a life insurance benefit is generally not taxable, whereas most retirement account distributions are.
We are happy to meet with you to talk through specific options that you might like to consider. There are no obligations on your end; just the opportunity to learn more about maximizing your legacy.
The material presented is not offered as legal or tax advice. We leave the technical expertise in planned giving to the professionals such as our local community foundation and industry professionals such as attorneys, financial advisors and tax advisors. We urge you to seek the advice of your tax advisor, attorney and/or financial planner to make certain a contemplated gift fits well into your overall circumstances and planning.
Current Members
Kay Bollinger
Bonnie Buskirk
Jim & Kay Conor
Jim Ferrel
Clifton & Marsha Fisher
Marjorie Johnson*
David & Cindy Lowman
Theresa Lynn
Carol Rankens
Bart & Sheila Shaw
Steve & Jana* Tibbitts
James & Ena Whitaker*
Mission Moments: The Heart of Wings
Mission Moments: The Heart of Wings is the newest book by Theresa Lynn, PhD, RN, LMSW, CT, Executive Director/Director of Wings of Hope/Wings Home. The project is a compilation of “stories from the field that connect people to the heart of what we do…our mission.”
Copies can be purchased at Wings of Hope for $10 each or make an online donation and mention Mission Moments book as your reason for donating. A copy can be mailed to you and it makes a great gift too.

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